Project Videos
Videos recorded at Workshop 3 Go With the Flow: Menstruation, Sport and Physical Activity 7th February 2020, University of Stirling were produced for the Menstruation Research Network by Mallard Productions (2020) with thanks to the Wellcome Trust.
Dr. Sarah Zipp introduces Workshop 3.
Dr. Georgie Bruinvels delivers her keynote address.
Lilamani de Soysa speaking at the workshop.
Lisa Houston speaking at the workshop.
Lisa Murawsky speaking at the workshop.
Natalie Brown speaking at the workshop.
Helen Kemp speaking at the workshop
Stephanie McLean speaking at the workshop.
Colin Moran speaking at the workshop.
Videos from the Critical Perspectives on Menstruation Conference
The Conference took place on 31 May 2019 at the University of St Andrews and the videsos were produced for Menstruation Research Network with thanks to Edward Broughton, University of St Andrews, and Wellcome Trust
Prof. Sharra Vostral giving her keynote presentation.
Bee Hughes speaking at the conference
Lara Owen speaking at the conference
Prof. Bettina Bildhauer speaking at the conference.
Chella Quint speaking at the conference.
Molly Brown from Hey Girls speaking at the conference
Exhibition by Bee Hughes at the conference.